Acer pseudoplatanus | Sycamore
The Acer pseudoplatanus is a hardy, fast-growing deciduous tree that will grow for up to 400 years! Native to central, eastern and southern Europe, this tree was introduced to the British Isles in the Tudor era so is now considered naturalised. The Acer pseudoplatanus has a dark, dense crown that will grow up to 30m high. It thrives in almost any environment and is ideal for difficult coastal sites because it is tolerant of exposure to salt winds. However, the foliage is poisonous to horses and should not be planted around paddocks and equestrian centres.

The hard wood of the Acer pseudoplatanus is often used for carving, furniture making and kitchenware because it does not taint or stain food. Traditionally the wood was used for making Welsh love spoons. A young man would carve the spoon for his love and if she accepted it they would start their courtship.