Trees for Parkland and Avenues
Of course a larger area like a park to fill means you can plant much bigger trees dependent on greater space to thrive, and you can plant more of them.
Here is a list of trees that will do very well in large, open spaces.
If you can’t find the tree your looking for, please get in touch and we’ll source it for you.
Acer campestre
Acer platanoides in varieties
Acer pseudoplatanus in varieties
Acer rubrum in varieties
Carpinus betulus
Castanea sativa
Cedrus in varieties
Fagus sylvatica in varieties
Ginkgo biloba
Juglans nigra/regia
Liquidamber styraciflua
Liriodendron tulipifera
Parrotia persica
Pinus nigra/sylvestris
Platanus x acerifolia
Quercus in varieties
Tilia in varieties