Platanus orientalis ‘Digitata’ | Oriental Plane

The Platanus orientalis is native to Asia minor and India. This is a large tree with a wide-spreading crown. The cultivar 'Digitata' has leaves with five deeply-cut lobes, which in autumn change to red, yellow and amber. Apart from the deeply-cut leaves this tree is very similar to the London Plane tree with its flakey bark and burr-like fruits that hang on to until mid-winter. Like the species the Platanus orientalis, 'Digitata' will grow in a wide range of conditions and is tolerant of: urban pollution, ground compaction, hard-standing surfaces, condensed root spaces, and most soil including clay. A stunning tree for parklands and wide open spaces where there is plenty of room for it to grow. The Platanus orientalis is tolerant of pollarding and has even be trained into pleached and rooftop trees.

Did you know?

A Platanus orientalis, dating back to at least 1762, is one of Kew Gardens' thirteen 'Heritage Trees'.